
At the UPHI Health Fair

At the UPHI Health Fair

As an actress, singer and speaker, Sandra has performed before tens of thousands of people at such venues as the United Palace Theater, CBGB’s Annex, the famed Kenny’s Castaways and the New York Open Center.  As an Interfaith Minister, Sandra spoke and ministered for 9 years for the Muttontown Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship in Muttontown, Long Island.

Imagine having Sandra bring her engaging speaking and performing style to your next event, as she uplifts, empowers and inspires the audience with her music and spoken word. Check out her Demo Reel!

How Do Sandra’s Keynote Concerts Work?

Picture the audience at your next event as Sandra shares her story of delaying her dreams for years, always thinking that what she thought others wanted of her was more important or that she wasn’t good enough to share her gifts with others. Then she sings “Open Any Door,” and shares how by opening your heart and being willing to take a chance on yourself, your dreams await and you realize you have much more to gain than to lose.

The Message?

By keeping your heart open and being willing to take risks, you can realize your dreams at any stage of life. All of us have the ability to achieve our highest aspirations, no matter what obstacles we face. As Sandra shares in her song, “Fear,” her own doubts and fears were her biggest obstacle. What if fear was just a game we play against ourselves? Imagine how unstoppable your audience would be if they knew that fear is really a device of the mind that’s meant to slow us down before we take any big leaps that might put us in danger.

What would it mean to you to know that even when you’re stuck, inspiration can come from anywhere? As Sandra shares in her song “Midtown Epiphany,” new ideas and inspiration can come to us even in the middle of a busy sidewalk.  Or to know that even in the face of loss, “Love is the Only Thing that Stays”?

What Will Your Audiences Take Away?

The idea that we’re stuck, that we’re not enough, too old, too fat, too skinny, or “that’s just not the way things are done here,” keeps so many people in all walks of life from being all that they can be. What if the team at your company or the people at your next event left knowing that they can truly be as good at what they do as they allow themselves to be?

Keynote Topics Covered

1)    Open up to the inspiration all around you

a) Creativity is available to all of us – not just a few select “special” people
b) How to tap into inspiration
c) How to move forward on your ideas and attract supporters

2)    Overcoming obstacles is the key to your greatness

a) The gift of the obstacle
b) Letting your troubles energize you
c) On the other side of your problems is your greater potential

3)    Be the change you wish to see

a) Why you are the answer to whatever challenges you face
b) When you spot it, you got it
c) How one person can make a huge difference

To book or for questions on booking, please contact